Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Fish Oil. It's What Your Body Is Begging You For!!

CrossFit Round Rock Retail Store has something new and amazing for you ladies! It's what your body is begging you for! Take some time and read the many health benefits #SFH Fish Oil provides our bodies, I think you will agree it's just too good to pass up! 
For the month of October, for every 8oz. bottle of WSO3 sold SFH will donate $5 to THE Breast Cancer Fundraiser.
  • More than 3200mg EPA+DHA  and Vitamins A, D3, K2, B6, B12 and folic acid in 1 tsp! 

  • Each teaspoon delivers 1000IU of Vitamin D3 and 150% RDA of Vitamins A, K2, B6, B12 and folic acid.

  • Soy free, gluten free and sugar free

  • Natural Berry Flavor

  • All natural concentrated omega-3 oil

  • Liquid form to optimize absorption efficiently

  • Third party tested: our SO3 oil meets or exceeds CRN, GOED, IFOS, WHO and Prop 65 Standards.

  • Our product is prepared from sardines, herring and anchovies using molecular distillation making it possible to concentrate EPA and DHA.

  • Mercury free, no heavy metals, no toxins


Even if you get in every second of the recommended 75 weekly minutes of vigorous exercise, your body isn't a timeless vessel. To have a happy, healthy and long life, it's important to do all you can to reduce your risk for potentially harmful ailments and improve your overall well-being. Many individuals use fish oil supplements to advance their health. That's because this dietary add-on is full of omega-3 fatty acids, including the long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids DHA and EPA. Are you wondering what the fish-oil hype is all about? Check out these three reasons you should try our omega-3 oil:
1. It's healthy for your heart, a muscle that has a big impact on your overall health
According to the American Heart Association, omega-3 fatty acids benefit the heart of both healthy individuals and people at a higher risk for cardiovascular disease. Specifically, omega-3s can reduce the risk for abnormal heart beats and lower triglyceride levels and inhibit plaque growth in the arteries.
A healthy heart is crucial for your overall well-being. The Mayo Clinic explained that cardiovascular disease can lead to heart attack or failure, stroke and aneurysms, just to name a few complications. Plus, certain heart conditions can restrict how frequently and intensely you can safely work out, which may deprive you of the benefits of staying active.
2. A better mood can lead to a better you
Fish oil is not intended to be used as a treatment for depression, but it may alleviate mild symptoms of the blues by increasing the body's release of serotonin, one of the neurotransmitters responsible for boosting your mood. Getting this extra bit of happiness is advantageous for more than just brightening your outlook on life. It can increase your productivity, decrease your levels of anxiety, improve your health and broaden your scope of creativity. As a result, a positive mood can help you be your best self.
"Omega-3 oils may assist in fighting against dementia."
3. Boost your brain power
Fish oil benefits may help delay cognitive decline, allowing you to maintain brain function for later into life. As a result, omega-3 oils may assist in fighting dementia, including Alzheimer's disease. However, the benefits are apparent only when you consume enough fish oil, meaning supplements may be a viable option for those who either can't or don't want to eat fish several times per week.
Aside from providing all these health benefits, adding omega-3 oil supplements to your diet is simply easier than acquiring these nutrients through other mediums. You don't necessarily have to cook an entire meal to get the DHA and EPA you need, and you reduce your risk of consuming mercury by opting for omega-3 oil over regular fish. Our omega-3 oil products go through a certification of analysis process that indicates mercury is below detectable levels. Finally, our liquid formulation delivers a higher strength of omega-3 oils than gel capsules. Plus, with delicious flavors like lemon, peppermint, vanilla, chocolate and orange, taking a teaspoon can be tasty, too.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Inspiration At It's Best

It's easy for some of us (including me) to forget how blessed we are on a daily basis. We get up, roll through the motions of the day and quite often take for granted our nearly perfect health. We may have some aches and pains, or feel run down, and tired. But, overall it's nothing compared to what some people are fighting through each and every day.

As I watched this video last night with tears streaming down my face, heart aching, and feeling incredibly proud of CrossFit and our community in it's entirety, I realized how much I have to be grateful for in my life. Each day is a gift, and I intend on staying healthy, fit, strong, and thankful for all that God has given me. 

I hope you find the same appreciation and feel as inspired by Whitney and her story as I do.

We only have one life, let's live it to it's fullest!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

2 Simple Thoughts

There are two things I would like for every athlete to think about when you find yourself feeling frustrated with the time and patients it takes to master a movement, or the progressions you must work in order to reach to your goal.

1. "No matter how advanced you are as an athlete or mover, the best way to keep improving is to master the basics" -Carl Paoli 

2. "Build the beginning, build the end. Work the middle!!" -Carl Paoli 

Master the basics and keep moving forward!! You will never get there by quitting or resisting the process!

Trust and listen to your coach, because you reaching YOUR goal, is OUR dream come true!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Understanding The Importance Of Bracing The Spine

Bracing The Spine....

As part of my continuing education I have learned an extremely important tool that has been a bit overlooked, or possibly misunderstood. It took me some time to truly grasp what 'bracing the spine' really meant, but when that light bulb came on, it gave an entirely different meaning and understanding!

In hopes to shed some light and offer you the same knowledge, here is a brake-down for you to refer to. Take a few minutes and go through each step-you will definitely have an 'ahh-ha' moment!

*Please note, these are not my words-this comes from Dr. Kelly Starrett who in my opinion is brilliant, and has an art for effortlessly breaking down information making it easy to comprehend. His New York Times Bestseller Becoming a Supple Leopard is hands-down one of the best books I have ever read, and learned from.

The Bracing Spine Sequence is the bedrock from which ALL safe, dynamic, and high volume athletic movement is generated.

Go through this sequence anytime you are setting up for a dynamic movement.

Start in a compromised position: It doesn't matter what position you start the bracing sequence in-whether you're rounded forward or over extended-the end result is the same.

Step 1: Screw (aka torque) your feet into the ground, this will stabilize your hips. Torque is the turning force generated by the hips and shoulders which causes limbs to rotate.

Step 2: Squeeze your butt! This will set your pelvis in a neutral position.

Step 3: Take a deep breath-breathe in through your diaphragm as you inhale.

Step 4: Balance your rib-cage over your pelvis and get your belly tight as you exhale.

Step 5: Set your head and shoulders in a neutral position.

Finish: Let your arms fall to your side, keeping your thumbs pointed forward and shoulders externally rotated.

The goal is to align your ears over your shoulders-your rib-cage over your pelvis- and your hips over your knees and ankles.

I hope this helps put in perspective how important bracing your spine is before you begin any dynamic movements. I promise if you start applying this, and make it a habit, you will use and feel muscles you have never felt before. You will feel more in control of your movement patterns, and will improve all around as an athlete!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

You Ask, And You Shall Receive!!

I am SO excited to announce TWO new classes to my schedule!!

Due to #hardCOREcardio being on hot demand we have decided to create an ADDITIONAL class and time!!

Starting in October 2015 #hardCOREcardio will be offered to all members at CrossFit Round Rock on Monday's at 7:00AM!!!

This is in addition to 5:00AM Tuesday's and Thursday's as well as Friday evening at 5:15PM!


This class consists of isolated abdominal work to strengthen your core, while also combining HIIT, plyometrics, body and/or low weight CrossFit movements and “old school” isolation exercises (curls anyone?) to increase cardio endurance.

Cant wait to see you there!!
Last, but not least.....we have officially opened our Friday 4:00 PM- 5:00PM OPEN GYM to ALL members at CFRR!!! This is time for you as an athlete to work on your skills, mobility, and strength!! I will be there to offer assistance, and coaching for the entire hour as well as top level DJ for your listening pleasure! This is a great opportunity so I hope you take full advantage of it!
If you have ANY questions please feel free to email me at or
#HCC #CFRR #OpenGym #ReachingGoals 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Labor Day weekend is just a few days away!! You may be asking yourself...."what am I going to do without CFRR on Monday?!"

I am here to save the day!! In true #hardCOREcardio fashion I present one of my most favorite at home WODs!!

Hope you enjoy and feel the burn ;)

Let me know how it goes!!

Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful weekend!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Whole Life Challenge!!

It's that time of year again, the summer is coming to an end, the school year has started, and yes, the holidays are just around the corner!  I know its sad to hear, but all good things must come to an end. The good news is this also means it's finally time for us to get back on track with our health and fitness!!

We all understand how difficult certain "healthy" lifestyles can be to maintain, especially during the fun summer months, but you and I both know it time to shape up!

In the past we would be gearing up for our big Caveman Challenge right about now, but this year I am thrilled to introduce something NEW for ALL of our members, clients, friends, and family!!

Before I get into all of awesome details, lets think about the difference between two words.....

Challenge:  something ​needing ​great ​mental or ​physical ​effort in ​order to be done ​successfully, or the ​situation of ​facing this ​kind of ​effort:

Lifestyle: the way in which a person or group lives.

For most of us when we set our selves up for a nutrition challenge for let's say 6-8 weeks, we are already telling ourselves that its just for 6-8 weeks-that's it-then we can get back to normal. This is the reason so many people fail to hold on to it, even when they have NEVER looked or felt better before in their life. It's just a matter of time and you are right back where you started waiting for the next challenge to begin so you can finally feel that great again! 

When we think about lifestyle, we imagine it's simply the way we live. There is no timeline or needing of great mental or physical effort to be done successfully. We can just live a healthy lifestyle without the clock ticking and countless restrictions that we all  know we will never really give up for the rest of our lives.

This year we are changing it up with a little something special called Whole Life Challenge! It has success written all over it, and we are inviting all of you to join us! 

The ultimate goal for these 8 weeks is to learn how to apply these tools to your everyday life and for a lifetime!!

The Whole Life Challenge is a 56-day online, community-building, habit changing game that challenges you and your friends to create happier, healthier lives by making small, daily changes. 

Playing with your friends and family, you’ll score points every day, focusing on 7 key areas of health and well-being: Nutrition, Exercise, Mobility, Supplementation, Hydration, Lifestyle Practices, and Reflection.

  • Eat by the WLC rules you choose at the level that is right for you. Make conscious choices that support your vision for a healthy lifestyle. Earn up to 5 points daily for nutrition.
  • Exercise for at least 10 minutes each day. We recommend 3-5 “workouts” each week. The other days you’ll earn your points by being active. Ride your bike, surf, hike, even take an invigorating walk at sunset. This is your time to move daily. You earn 2 points for exercise.
  • Stretch for at least 10 minutes each day. You earn 2 points for stretching.
  • Water One third of your body weight in oz. of water each day (20 ml per kg). You earn 1 point for water.
  • Supplement with a dietary supplement that would make a difference for your body if you took it every day. You earn 1 point for your supplement
  • Live the WLC weekly lifestyle practice – things like sleep, meditate, & supporting others. You earn 1 point each day you complete the weekly lifestyle task.
  • Reflect at the end of each day and check in with how it went and how you’re doing. No amount of numbers can paint the whole picture. Your daily reflection helps you see how the challenge is really going. You earn 1 point daily for your reflection.
Not only will this be FUN, it will change your life!! 

Lets DO THIS together!
#CFRR #Community #WLC 

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”
– Aristotle

Are you ready?!