Wednesday, September 16, 2015

You Ask, And You Shall Receive!!

I am SO excited to announce TWO new classes to my schedule!!

Due to #hardCOREcardio being on hot demand we have decided to create an ADDITIONAL class and time!!

Starting in October 2015 #hardCOREcardio will be offered to all members at CrossFit Round Rock on Monday's at 7:00AM!!!

This is in addition to 5:00AM Tuesday's and Thursday's as well as Friday evening at 5:15PM!


This class consists of isolated abdominal work to strengthen your core, while also combining HIIT, plyometrics, body and/or low weight CrossFit movements and “old school” isolation exercises (curls anyone?) to increase cardio endurance.

Cant wait to see you there!!
Last, but not least.....we have officially opened our Friday 4:00 PM- 5:00PM OPEN GYM to ALL members at CFRR!!! This is time for you as an athlete to work on your skills, mobility, and strength!! I will be there to offer assistance, and coaching for the entire hour as well as top level DJ for your listening pleasure! This is a great opportunity so I hope you take full advantage of it!
If you have ANY questions please feel free to email me at or
#HCC #CFRR #OpenGym #ReachingGoals 

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