Wednesday, June 17, 2015


This Saturday is Garage Gym Throwdown, and the first group competition I have ever been a part of! I am crazy excited for this comp, and thrilled to be slangin' sweat through with 3 amazing athletes! I would be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little nervous, life has gotten in the way of how I would normally like to prepaire for a tough competition. I have recently been exhausting myself with home improvements, kiddos on summer break and to top it off a little sprain in my right wrist 4 days before the event! I could easily tap out of this competition, and my teammates would understand, but that's pretty much the last thing I want to. The "old" athlete in me would have in a heartbeat, there was no way I was ever going walk into a competition as a coach and not be 100% confident and ready! But, the new athlete in me has learned a few things in the past several months-I have gone back to basics, re-learned my form, and made some serious self improvements on what this sport is all about! People say all the time how much they love CrossFit for accepting all athletes, especially those who finish last. Why? Because they finished it and didn't give up. I'm certainly not aiming to finish last, but I won't be beating myself up (old me) or my teammates up if we do. We are going into this competition just like any other one, it's about testing your limits, pushing yourself a little more beyond your comfort zone, and doing it surrounded by same minded, passionate people!! Its going to be incredibly fun, hard, and probably exhausting, but I have no doubt it will also be extremely rewarding! And that's what counts. 

I want to wish all the competitors the best of luck this Saturday!! 

Tight butts and sweaty nuts are comin' in HOT!

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