Wednesday, June 24, 2015

And the truth comes out....

Self Improvement Check! 

It's that time again-gotta call BS on myself!....

Do you ever sit back and realize you're just going through the motions? As if to be on auto pilot day after day, just doing what you gotta do, but not putting too much effort into it? Well, that's where I have been for the past several weeks. I can come up with about a dozen excuses for it, but I know better than that by now! I'm speaking primarily for my nutrition and exercise, because everything/everyone else is well taken care of. Hence the lack of proper food (calorie) intake and consistency in training. I don't have struggles with eating poorly as far as "junk" food goes, my issue with food is not getting enough. Truth is, I have days where I may only eat 600 calories! Eeeeek! I can't believe I'm confessing this! I know how terrible it is and I don't have one single good reason for it. I get busy with task, after task and don't stop long enough to sit down and eat! Due to my serious neglect of calories I lack the energy for a great workout. So I end up just going through the motions, demanding my body to use sources I haven't provided it with to sustain the kind of workout I am wanting to get in for the day. That right there is a big NO-NO! 

I'm sharing these nasty little details with you for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, something's gotta give, it's time for me to make changes. And if I speak up about it, I can no longer ignore it.  Second reason is to shed light on the other side of food struggles. I'll bet some people reading this may be saying to themselves "wish I had that problem" but the truth is...I am no more healthier than someone overweight. It is bad, bad, bad for our bodies to not get enough food or get too much food! This is why there is a recommended calorie intake for all sizes, all athlete, and specifically for both men and woman. Our bodies absolutely need and desire fuel! 

Now that I have opened up about it, I have to follow through with making the  necessary changes. Starting with logging my food again EVERY DAY. Setting an alarm on my phone every 2 hours reminding myself to take a break and eat. I will get my act together and prep my food every week. I may even reach out and ask for some accountability. 

 As you can see, knowing all of this information and constantly coaching it doesn't necessarily mean I (the professional) automatically does it 100% of time without the same struggles others may have.  It does however mean that I have no excuse for not applying thus knowledge and doing something about it. 

This self improvement doesn't start Monday, it starts tomorrow! #BOOM

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