Thursday, August 14, 2014

Your life does not get better by chance; it gets better with change – Jim Rohn

I am thrilled to share a few exciting changes with my schedule at CrossFit Round Rock!! Starting August 25th 2014, I will be graciously trying to fill Coach Anna’s shoes in the 7:00a.m. M/T/TH class! I cannot put into words how excited I am to coach this class!! I truly believe great relationships will evolve, and we will have a great time creating them! I would like to send out a very special thank you to our members who have welcomed this change with open arms!

More awesome news…..5:15AMers and 6:00AMers are merging into one class at 5:30a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays!! I have grown close to each of these athletes, and can’t wait to have more join us in the wee-early hours of the morning! I hope everyone loves the new changes as much as I do.

I am however; sad to announce that I will no longer be coaching Monday and Wednesday evenings. I will miss this class more than I can put into words! I know I will still see them on a regular basis and stay in close contact with them, but not seeing them twice a week will be difficult. They are in great hands with Coach Anna taking over the class!!

If you're ever interested in PT sessions where we spend an hour one-on-one focusing on specific areas, you as an athlete would like to become stronger, faster, and more efficient, please let me know. I have a few spots available to fill!

Lastly, forgive me, but I am about to spill my heart out…I need to thank ALL of YOU for your warm welcome to me. This was/IS a huge dream of mine, to be a part of CFRR, and to be a coach. I go to bed each night with a smile on my face and wake up with the same one still there because of YOU. I appreciate each, and everyone of you, and everything you have taught me. You inspire me day, after day!! So to sum it up….I love, and adore you! And......

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