Monday, August 18, 2014

Eating clean VS Eating... not so, not even close to clean!

I have been told many times that buying healthy food is too expensive. I gotta be honest, this drives me crazy when I hear this because it is seriously the furthest from the truth. This statement is better said “I just don’t have or want to put the time into healthy food” now that is a true statement. And one many of us can relate too. Let’s face it, it’s time consuming prepping food for the week, and cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner, there is no doubt about it. BUT, is it worth it? ABSOLUTELY! Once you make it a habit, it’s like second nature. Your day may end a little later so you are prepared for the next day, but you do it anyway! Because you care, you care about yourself, and your health enough to add 10 minutes to your day.

Aside from personal food prep, I would like to talk about clean eating for your entire family. I will use an average family of four as an example, and hopefully shed some light that can help many of you who feel this way. Let’s say I am at the grocery store picking up dinner for my family. I grab one spaghetti squash for 6.25, 2 pounds of ground turkey burger for 5.79, and one jar of organic meat spaghetti sauce for 3.76. I can feed my family, and have left overs for 15.80(or I have an entire week of lunch prepared) Now, I know that may seem high, but let’s say you went out to eat... We all know a family of four is never going to walk out of a sit down restaurant and pay less than 15.00 dollars for everyone to eat a decent meal. This is also true with pizza, and fast-food. You will pay the same amount, if not more, and have no left overs. Not to mention the awfulness you just ingested, by not eating an at home cooked meal. There are also plenty of other healthy meal options for much less than 15.00 dollars, but I chose to aim high for dramatics. ;)

Above is just ONE example of many. Trust me, I have tested this theory. I have kept the receipts from the grocery store, as well as the ones from eating out for one week, and the savings is in the grocery store, always. One could argue that unhealthy VS healthy food in the grocery is less expensive, and with certain foods, they are absolutely correct. However; let’s put this in perspective…at most, we are talking about a few extra dollars on each item. I don’t mind spending a little extra knowing that the food myself, and my family are eating is quality food. It tastes more fresh, isn't full of hormones, preservatives, and God only knows what else! And why would someone not blink an eye at paying extra for super-size, cheese, soda, and maybe a little treat at the end of the meal, but not for healthier food?! It’s all about making the decision to make the right choice. If you can afford cable, internet, sell phones, big car payments, nails, and hair…you can in-fact afford to spend a little extra at the grocery store.

In a perfect world (through my eyes), we would all rally together and run fast-food companies out of business, and buy local farm fresh foods. I know in reality that will probably never happen, but you can start with your household. You can spread the word to your friends and family. When you look and feel great, they ALWAYS ask “what have you been doing different” and when you respond with “eating clean” they will want to know every little detail! Share with them how easy it can be once you get a handle on it!

So, save some money, feel better, and look healthier! It isn't as hard as it may seem, and I am happy to help in any way I can!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Your life does not get better by chance; it gets better with change – Jim Rohn

I am thrilled to share a few exciting changes with my schedule at CrossFit Round Rock!! Starting August 25th 2014, I will be graciously trying to fill Coach Anna’s shoes in the 7:00a.m. M/T/TH class! I cannot put into words how excited I am to coach this class!! I truly believe great relationships will evolve, and we will have a great time creating them! I would like to send out a very special thank you to our members who have welcomed this change with open arms!

More awesome news…..5:15AMers and 6:00AMers are merging into one class at 5:30a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays!! I have grown close to each of these athletes, and can’t wait to have more join us in the wee-early hours of the morning! I hope everyone loves the new changes as much as I do.

I am however; sad to announce that I will no longer be coaching Monday and Wednesday evenings. I will miss this class more than I can put into words! I know I will still see them on a regular basis and stay in close contact with them, but not seeing them twice a week will be difficult. They are in great hands with Coach Anna taking over the class!!

If you're ever interested in PT sessions where we spend an hour one-on-one focusing on specific areas, you as an athlete would like to become stronger, faster, and more efficient, please let me know. I have a few spots available to fill!

Lastly, forgive me, but I am about to spill my heart out…I need to thank ALL of YOU for your warm welcome to me. This was/IS a huge dream of mine, to be a part of CFRR, and to be a coach. I go to bed each night with a smile on my face and wake up with the same one still there because of YOU. I appreciate each, and everyone of you, and everything you have taught me. You inspire me day, after day!! So to sum it up….I love, and adore you! And......