CrossFit, Spinning, Yoga, Body Building, or Zumba, whatever
it is that you choose to be your sport of choice is solely your decision.
Putting down, and or criticizing what you don’t prefer= no bueno! The point is
you got off that rump of yours from holding down the couch and channel surfing
(or playing candy crush ;) I have had this debate a few times recently. I have
listened to avid body builders put down and seriously question CrossFit, and
vice versa-crossfitters criticize, and yet again seriously question different
types of exercise. (Forgive me for saying) these stubborn and narrow-minded
opinions about either being the ONLY form of effective exercise are simply
untrue. I am a proud CrossFit athlete, and feel extremely passionate about the sport; however, I am also a personal
trainer, who believes very much in all activities, big, small, heavy, light,
calm, or intense. You can, and will be fit and healthy by consistently staying
active and eating clean. For some people CrossFit can be intimidating, training
with a large group of people alone can scare many off the sport. While for others, it’s the only thing that
gets them motivated and inspired to workout. Enjoyment is the key, finding happiness and excitement
for exercise. Whatever it is the fuels that fire inside you…when you find that
passion… keep it, use it, and pass no judgment onto any other form of exercise.
Applaud those who are out there fighting for a healthier lifestyle. Praise them
for trying something new and different. If you can, I encourage you to try it all! Why
not be a bad-ass crossfitter throwing heavy weights, climbing ropes,
jumping on and off boxes AND at the same time be able to balance yourself, and
increase your flexibility in
mind-blowing yoga positions? When you
have done that, jump in a spinning class, or try zumba, it’s ALL amazing
therapy! Be the boss of it all; make yourself into a diverse human machine fit
for life!
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