Wednesday, May 27, 2015


This past Memorial Day gave me an entirely different view on the day we honor our fallen solders. To be perfectly honest, I am a bit embarrassed to say I went most of my life not really understanding the true difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day. After experiencing Carry The Load along side hundreds of people dedicated in showing their respect in various ways, I have a new understanding, and appreciation for Memorial Day. A day in which I will from now on respect much differently than in the past.

I have Big Sarge, Chris Adams, and Paul Martinez to thank for getting #CFRR involved in an event I am sure none of us will ever forget. The love and appreciation I have for this incredible group of people is indescribable.

Together, we can move mountains!
#cfrr #CarryTheLoad #MemorialDay #Honor


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Thank YOU #Emerson


For the past year I have had the pleasure of coaching a group of athletes who we refer to as "the Emerson group".  Every Tuesday and Thursday evening at 5:00 pm we gather either inside the gym down stairs from their office, or out on the rooftop of the parking garage. Our first few sessions together consisted of 4-6 athletes, and quickly grew to become 15-20+ ready for anything!! What I love most about this group of people is their dedication to be present, and do the work. I can imagine how easy it would be after a long day of sitting in front of a computer to grab their things and head home as fast as they can, but not for this group! Sometimes I am even a little shocked that they keep coming back, I'm not easy on them by any means.:) I know what they are capable of, and I program every workout to show them how strong they are, and how much they can do. I want them to feel like they really accomplished something in the hour they spend with me, and not ever feel it was a waste of their time.

Now that I have done my best to describe my beloved "Emerson group" I would like to say THANK YOU to them.....

Thank you for welcoming me with open arms, and smiling faces. Thank you for continuing to show up every week, and talk so much about class that we have new faces joining us all the time. Thank you for trusting, and listening to me-so much as to actually do 200m of burpee broad jumps!! Thank you making my job so incredibly rewarding, and fun! I hope to always spend my Tuesday and Thursday evenings in your company (kicking your butts) because you all mean the world to me!

CHEERS to our 1st year down, and many, many more to come!!
